Product Design and Development

A product is considered to have a successful design only if a market is satisfied with it. Understanding target markets and observing current market trends contributes in determining a product’s commercial success. Professional design factors, such as creativity, experience and the proper management of technical efforts can enrich this offer.

For Daniela Product Development (PD) and Design process also aims for cultural preservation and the need to protect, restore, and honor all forms of traditions. The skills of the artisans are a crucial factor as well as market trends information, cultural inspiration and available raw materials.

The designer creates new visual solutions and designs by experimenting with concepts, techniques, colors and embellishments in a collaborative work with each artisan. This results in original product creations across different categories and families, a signature collection that represents the community or country.

The PD training is personalized and enhances the skills of diverse artisans. It includes a Mentoring process which improves current production through new design ideas and features.

All activities for Product Development consider:  Assessment; Product Strategy; Theoretical training in Business and Innovation; Collaborative working with groups in workshops; Product Design creating sketches, spec sheets and prototyping.